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Taking Meter Readings

In this document we will walk you through the steps to take a meter reading for a seasonal site and how to enter the meter reading into the system.

The following will assume that you have already created a seasonal site and have assigned a meter to the site.

Every campgrounds are different and have different ways of taking meter readings. This document will show you how to take a meter reading using the following method:

  • Setting up a meter allowance for the seasonal site.
  • Taking a meter reading at the beginning of the season.
  • Taking a meter reading at the middle of the season.
  • Taking a meter reading at the end of the season.
  • Deciding if you want to carryover the meter reading remaining allowance to the next season or not.
  • Printing your meter reading report.

Setting up a Meter Allowance

The first step is to setup a meter allowance for the seasonal site. This will allow you to set a meter allowance for the site and then track the usage of their remaining allowance throughout the season.

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Meter Configuration option.
  • Then edit your meter you want to setup the allowance for.
  • Scroll down to the Meter Allowance section and enter the Allowance amount.
    • The meter allowance is the amount of units you want to allow the client to use for the season which they have paid in advance.
    • For example if your clients have given you a $300 deposit for the season and you charge $ 0.10 per kwh then you would enter 3000 as the allowance. ($300 / $0.10 = 3000kwh)
    • This will setup the meter allowance for the first reading on a new reservation. Meaning that the first reading entered will have the allowance configured on the first meter reading.
  • Then click on the Save button.

Taking a Meter Reading at the Beginning of the Season

The next step is to take a meter reading at the beginning of the season. This will allow you to track the usage of the client's allowance throughout the season.

And also track the starting meter reading for the start of the season.

In this example we are going to use the bulk meter reading feature to enter the meter reading for all the seasonal sites at the beginning of the season.

However, if you prefer to enter the meter readings for each individual reservations you can do so by going to the Reservations menu and editing the reservation

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Bulk Readings option.
  • Select the lots for which you would like to enter the meter readings for.
  • Then select the reservation arrival date for the meter reading. Example if your seasonal reservations arrive on May 1st then you would select May 1st till May 2nd.
  • Then click on the Apply button.

  • This will give you all the lots that have a reservation arrival date between May 1st and May 2nd for the selected lots that have a meter assigned to them.

  • You can then enter the Current Reading for each meter leaving the Previous Reading blank.

  • Once you have entered the current meter reading the row will turn green indicating that the meter reading has been entered and saved to their reservation.

Taking a Meter Reading at the Middle of the Season

The next step is to take a meter reading at the middle of the season. This will allow you to track the usage of the client's allowance throughout the season and also the meter usage for the middle of the season.

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Bulk Readings option.
  • Select the lots for which you would like to enter the meter readings for.
  • Then select the reservation arrival date for the meter reading. Example if your seasonal reservations arrive on July 1st then you would select July 1st till July 2nd.
  • Then click on the Apply button.

  • This will give you all the lots that have a reservation arrival date between July 1st and July 2nd for the selected lots that have a meter assigned to them.

  • You'll notice this time the bulk meter reading will have the Previous Reading filled in with the previous meter reading.

  • You can then enter the Current Reading for each meter.
  • Once you have entered the current meter reading the row will turn green indicating that the meter reading has been entered and saved to their reservation.
  • You can also see the Usage column will show you the usage for the meter reading.
  • And the Remaining Allowance column will show you the remaining allowance for the meter reading.

Taking a Meter Reading at the End of the Season

The next step is to take a meter reading at the end of the season. This will allow you to track the usage of the client's allowance throughout the season and also the meter usage for the end of the season.

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Bulk Readings option.
  • Select the lots for which you would like to enter the meter readings for.
  • Then select the reservation arrival date for the meter reading. Example if your seasonal reservations arrive on July 1st then you would select July 1st and July 2nd
  • Then click on the Apply button.

  • This will give you all the lots that have a reservation arrival date between July 1st and July 2nd for the selected lots that have a meter assigned to them.

  • You can then enter the Current Reading for each meter.

  • Once you have entered the current meter reading the row will turn green indicating that the meter reading has been entered and saved to their reservation.

Deciding to Carryover the Remaining Allowance to the Next Season

  • If this is the last meter reading for the season than you'll have two choices:
  • Leave the Allowance Carryover switch active=Yes. This will carryover the remaining allowance to the next season.
  • Or you can turn the Allowance Carryover switch to active=No. This will not carryover the remaining allowance to the next season.

Allowance Carryover = No


This will not carryover the remaining allowance to the next season. And will give you a final meter reading for the season with the remaining allowance that was not used. That way when you print the meter reading report you can see the remaining allowance for the season that was not used.

  • If you decide to not carryover the remaining allowance to the next season then you'll probably want to enter one more meter reading to finalize the process so the Remaining Allowance is zero and the Allowance gets written to the reservation as a reference of how much allowance was remaining at the end of the season.

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Bulk Readings option.

  • Select the lots for which you would like to enter the meter readings for.
  • Then select the reservation arrival date for the meter reading. Example if your seasonal reservations arrive on July 1st then you would select July 1st and July 2nd
  • Then click on the Apply button.

  • This will give you all the lots that have a reservation arrival date between July 1st and July 2nd for the selected lots that have a meter assigned to them.

  • This time what you'll need to do is enter the same value from the Previous Reading as the Current Reading. This will not charge the client for a new meter reading but will allow you to finalize the process.

  • Then you can turn the Allowance Carryover switch to active=No.

Printing your Meter Reading Report

The next step is to print your meter reading report. This will allow you to print a report of all the meter readings that were entered for the season.

  • Go to the Meters menu and select the Past Readings.
  • Select the lots for which you would like to print the meter readings for.
  • Then select the Previous Reading date range for the meter readings. Example if your seasonal reservations arrive on May 1st and leave on October 1st then you would select May 1st till October 1st. That way you'll get all the meter readings for the season.

  • Then click on the Apply button.

  • You can then click on the Print button to print the meter reading report.