Lot Amenities
Lot amenities allows your campground to advertise amenities that are available on the campground or for that specific listing. Lot amenities are displayed on the lot details page and also on the lot details section of the booking page.
Adding or Editing Lot Amenities¶
To add amenities to your lots simply edit your lot from the Lot panel and click on Add Remove Amenities button.
This will open up the amenities dialog where you can then select the amenities for that lot.
Once you have selected the amenities you wish to add to the lot click on the Back button or the X in the top right of the dialog to close the dialog.
Then click Save to save your changes.
Viewing Lot Amenities on the Booking Page¶
To view what your lot amenities will look like on the online booking page simply click on the Open Booking Page button. This will open up the booking page for that lot in a new tab.
Bulk Updating Lot Amenities¶
You can also bulk update the lot amenities for several lots at once.
To bulk update the lot amenities first select the lots you wish to update by selecting them using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
Then click on the Bulk Update button located in the top right of the page.